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John Hilton
S2 licensed

just like to say i've used started using airio its great thx
help with server tools....
John Hilton
S2 licensed
hi guys/gals....

i have a windows home server (server 2003) running a dedi lfs server.

i can remote desktop into the server and/or log into the server via my lfs account......

are there any apps i can run on my pc or server to see who was on line @ what time etc etc so i can monitor server history????

thx and sorry for the newbie qs

John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from Michalxo :Was fun
(pb in last lap)

was some great racing very close also.... just updated it 20 slots and xfg-xrg once vw is out it'll be only that car

see you again

thx for the close racing
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :What if I don't want to?

then dont lol
come on guys help me bl1 XFG server JOIN
John Hilton
S2 licensed
very quite tonight??? help fil my server lol

[PTR] Blackwood
My New server up and running XFG BL1
John Hilton
S2 licensed
thanks for the help over the past few days guys helping me out with the config of my server...

[PTR] Blackwood

at the mo its just xfg but as soon as we get the VW it'll switch to that

its also running airio (what a fab add on)

thx again to all who helped.

uk based "part time" dedi server uptimes can be found once in the server by pressing


John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :no....use same colors, because change color = 3 letters

21 letters is the maximum and preferred

oh right thx for that prob sorted
Driver name length
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Hi guys.. since i've added my team tag, i can't fit my name in the driver name feild. is there away around this?

Can you test my lfs server plz
John Hilton
S2 licensed
hi guys.... i'm not on it at the mo (on my laptop) can somebody test it for me.....

its running on my winodws home server so any reports from you would be nice... lag or not etc etc

slots for 10 cars

6 'til 12 racing

xfg bl1
John Hilton
S2 licensed
thx guys
REDLINE RACING server questions admin?
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Hi all....

not posted or been on lfs for a while so hi to anybody who knows me

i did try and ask on a redline server but my pings where very high ( stupid 3g dongle because i'm away from home) and i didn't want to ruin any races.

ok my question is this......

me and the old man (and other friends) want to have alittle private server going..... i'm after something like what redline line are running on there servers..... is it insim?

i have a server up and running but what stats like what redline have on there server.

thx all in advance


are there any pre configed versions that i could download or is it just a case of editing the .cfg files

bye all
Best race i have had + my pb FBM + replay
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Think i was on a demo server as the fbm racing is better here.....

very close and friendy race (clean racers legue)... thx to the admin for these servers there top!)

also thx to the guy i was racing, afew errors on both parts... just as it should be....

00.00.01 on the finish line

also thx to the lfs admin and dev team
can somebody test a server for me plz....
John Hilton
S2 licensed
BMW CUP (its a demo server not s2 demo)

was working this morning..... i can connect seems strange..... people were onit this morning......

can see it on lfs world but on in game???


John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :If you want to build quality stuff, it'll probably be quite expensive. There is a market for everything, but I don't think it'll be a good one on this.
You could just build one for yourself, and then see if you still WANT to build them for other people.

oh i agree, its just i have a g25 setup and rear speakers for example, just wanted to know what other people used.
John Hilton
S2 licensed
i'm not looking at just building one.... i wanting to make and sell them, just want to know if there's a market for it or i'll just build one for me.

just wanted to know peoples thoughts
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :It was less than 2 hours since you started the thread. Give it some time.

I won't answer because I'm not interested in a gaming cockpit.

lol sorry i just wanna start cutting the kitchen units up
Requesting some info about your gaming/cockpit setup.
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Sorry to interupt your Racing time but i would like to ask you for a little time, to give me some information about your current gaming/cockpit setup at home, and what you would be looking for in a replacement. (if at all).

First of all i would like to know what kind of setup you are using now. (pics appreciated but not necessary)

Describe what wheel you use, type of chair, where is your keyboard/mouse? Is it comfortable, spacious? and do you easy access your keyboard and mouse whislt not in racing mode (eg just using it as a computer yuk! )

Thank you.

Now for the real details.

If you were to buy a gaming setup.

1. Would it be an upgrade or a first?
2. what would be your ideal width at maximum for the unit( comfort and practical)?
3. Without looking at the market, if you don't already know. How much would you be willing to spend on a good quality, comfortable gaming rig, without wheel?
built from mdf or alu/steel for example

thx see you on the track

John Hilton
S2 licensed
woo hoo ok its workin' i can admin it and i have 10laps in stead of 24 hours lol its also appering in the game list as "atherton fox racing"

big thx guys, the thing i love most about lfs is its comunity

p.s the reason it wasn't apperin in the list was because i had "do not disply empty servers" ticked lol (noobie) lol

thanks again guys
John Hilton
S2 licensed
mc68 just connected so i guess its workin, thats with out dmz
John Hilton
S2 licensed
found it i''m // blind..... lol just gonna try dmz i think
John Hilton
S2 licensed
ok edited you wanna have another look plz

i can log on as admin and control restarts etc etc thats cool

but now it says 24hours race!!!! lol but i set it to 10laps???

still cant see it in the list though

thx again made some progress already

// Example host configuration file
// How to use: LFS /cfg=setup.cfg
// Lines starting with // are ignored
// host name
/host=ATHERTON FOX Racing
// optional: password
// optional: admin password
// optional: InSim port
// optional: local specified ip address
// a high number below 65536
// demo/s1/s2
// no/yes/hidden
// BL1/BL1R/BL2, SO1/SO1R/SO2, etc
// weather
// cars allowed - see README.txt
// max guests that can join host
// slots reserved for admins (0 to 8)
// max cars in a race
// max cars (real+ai) on host pc
// max cars (real+ai) per guest pc
// smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second
// qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying
// number of laps, 0 for practice
// if laps not specified: hours
// 0=no/1=low/2=high
// nogfx/invisible
// no/yes: can guests vote to kick or ban
// no/yes: can guests select track
// no/yes/ban/spectate: wrong way drivers
// no restart within X seconds of race start
// no restart within X seconds of race finish
// no/yes: allow join during race
// no/yes: pit stop required
// no/yes: allow car reset
// fixed/finish/reverse/random: race start order
// optional: welcome message up to 200 chars
// optional: text file listing allowed tracks
// optional: message log file
// MPR autosave (0=off / 1=manual / 2=auto)
// optional: MPR folder
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :maybe its just a typo but either way theyre not the same

no it was a mistake lol just edited the .cfg i'll try again lol
John Hilton
S2 licensed
oh poo!!!!! you mean the // WHAT a noobie!!!! lol
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :2 obvious problems
1) you commented out half of the commands (especially the admin pass)
2) your server port doesnt match the one you forwarded

1) don't understand?

2) what shall i change it to?

told u i was a noobie

and thx for havin a look